Novel microbial protein-based polymers produced from CO2 or CO derivatives
Deep Tech-packaging partnerships for food innovation and security
Functional & recyclable coated paper packaging for food products
2022 - 2023
Applicability of SMART camera technologies for the quality control of reusable packaging
Rethinking packaging for circular and sustainable food supply chains of the future
How will you, as a company, adjust your packaging policy to the circular economy in the future?
Granting society with low environmental impact innovative packaging
Smart Packaging project
Functionality of bioplastics (with focus on seal performance)
Developing multimethods for the analysis of migrating ink and glue components from food contact materials in (prepacked) food products
How can e-commerce companies best tackle the logistics of fresh refrigerated food products with an eye for food safety, sustainability and affordability?
Industrial relevant case study in which recycling some common streams of multilayer packaging waste (PET-PE, PA-PE, EVOH) are studied