Functional & recyclable coated paper packaging for food products
2022 - 2023

After the project was finished, the following documents were made available free of charge thanks to the project partners:
- A comprehensive guide to using recyclable coated food packaging.
- Detailed case study reports
- An online inventory of coated papers for food applications.
Guide for the use of recyclable coated food packaging materials
For the food packaging industry, choosing the most suitable packaging material for food products is a daily challenge. Paper and cardboard seem ideal as packaging materials, provided they have a barrier coating. Yet it is not always clear whether the coating materials meet the desired properties and whether they are suitable for the intended purpose. To tackle this problem, Sirris and MPR&S, in collaboration with together with the various REPAC² project partners, the expertise and results of extensive research have been bundled in a white paper. This document is now available via the button below.
Case study rapporten
Linked to this whitepaper, MPR&S has published a case study report detailing 10 industrial practices carried out under the Repac² project, taking into account all aspects discussed in the whitepaper.
Online inventaris van gecoate papieren voor voedseltoepassingen
In addition, for companies that want to use coated paper packaging for specific food products, a database with information about commercially available coatings or coated paper for food packaging is available online; where you can search for suitable coated paper material based on various criteria that are decisive for your own (food) product.
Background information
The objective of REPAC² is to support an accelerated implementation of highly functional and recyclable coated paper and cardboard materials for food packaging applications. By a market research, commercial coated paper and cardboard packaging materials will be recorded throughout the project. A method to determine the recyclability of coated paper and cardboard materials will be developed. Subsequently, the recyclability and functionality (i.e. water vapor barrier, sealability, and formability) of commercial packaging materials will be assessed.
In addition, a matchmaking event between food companies and the coated paper and cardboard packaging industry will be organized. Based on this event and the packaging characteristics of the coated packaging materials, generic case studies will be defined for further research. For these generic case studies, initially a shelf-life simulation tool will be used after which common shelf-life studies will be performed.
Finally, in-company validation studies will be established. The preliminary research approach is still open to alterations by the industrial advisory board.
This project fits the vision of the roadmap “Food packaging of the future”, covering one of the three key topics ‘circular packaging’.

With the support of