Novel microbial protein-based polymers produced from CO2 or CO derivatives

About the project:
PROMIPOL is an interdisciplinary research project developing sustainable novel biopolymers. Chemical building blocks derived from CO2, like ethanol and methanol, are converted by microorganisms to proteins and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). The obtained bioplastics are considered for various applications, including food packaging. The consortium partners combine their expertise to select and optimise microbes and processes to fine-tune protein and PHA quantities and qualities, extract them, and further process them to usable plastics, assessing their properties in every step, including identifying potential markets for these innovative polymers. This bioeconomy project funded by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) aims to deliver a carbon-capture-and-use value chain with low environmental impact.
The PROMIPOL research project is powered by CAPTURE, a platform delivering disruptive contributions to the circular economy through accelerating radical technological innovations via collaboration between multidisciplinary stakeholders, with a clear focus on valorisation. Specifically, in the PROMIPOL project we want to assess producing biobased packaging materials from CO2.
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