Food packaging of the future

Pack4Food, Flanders' FOOD, VIL, SIM and Catalisti
All food packaging will have to be circular in 2030 and besides that we cannot ignore the fast evolution of digitalisation and personalisation. Pack4Food and the spearhead cluster Flanders’ FOOD (food), VIL (logistics), SIM (new materials) and Catalisti (chemistry and plastics) have been working on a Roadmap about the food packaging of the future since September 2018. This roadmap should set the research lines for the following years (2018-2030) to develop advanced packaging focussed on the needs of the future, together with the industry, government and knowledge institutes.
To form this Roadmap we want to chart the specific needs, barriers and challenges of companies through interactive brainstorm sessions in order to identify cross sectoral opportunities.
Should you have further questions or request more information about this project, do not hesitate to contact Pack4food or one of the spearhead clusters.
Project results
The goals of the viability study that led to the Roadmap were:
- defining a mutual vision and strategy regarding the food packaging of the future, for both primary, secondary and tertiary packaging with 2030 as horizon
- identifying innovative trajectories on short, medium and long term future to realise this strategy
- matchmaking between companies from different clusters to implement off-the-shelf technologies and to realise sustainable, crosssectoral collaborations.
The most important project results that resulted from this study are:
- White paper about state-of-the-art Packaging Technologies (status January 2019)
- Widespread Roadmap with detailed descriptions of research and development lines for the near future (2018-2030).
The Roadmap describes clearly defined research lines to tackle identified technological, legal and/or economical barriers and shortcomings and have companies realise the wanted innovations. The Roadmap consists both innovative trajectories as possibilities for collaborations on short, medium and long term. This offers the Flemish companies from the involved clusters perspective to strengthen their competitive clout and fulfill and internationally driven pioneering role in the cross chain and crosssectoral approach of food packaging across the Flemish borders. The innovation trajectories are divided in four themes:- Circular packaging
- Active, Intelligent (A&I) and personalized packaging
- Food packaging and Logistic processes
- Theme crossing: food packaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Roadmap 2.0 Program Committee in collaboration with Flanders' FOOD
The Program Committee is founded in January 2020 to perpetuate the Roadmap vision and strategy for the future and meets regularly. They provide guidance about which innovative trajectories of the Roadmap should become projects on short, medium and long term, about where the biggest opportunities are, about which types of companies could be involved, etc.
Do you have a project idea that matches with this roadmap?
Together we can discuss and elaborate on the idea, of course confidentially. Then the final project proposal is submitted at the Agency Innovation and Entrepreneurship to have a chance on subsidisation.
Contact us!