Horizon EU project that uses microbiome applications as solutions to minimize food waste and monitor food safety

FOODGUARD is a Horizon EU project (grant agreement No 101136542) that aims to develop and demonstrate co-created solutions supporting innovations based on microbiome, microbial activities & technology hubs to address food, health, economic and environmental challenges.
The envisioned approach involves the development of a framework of tools and methodologies, providing sustainable solutions in food processing and packaging across the food value chain, to increase the food shelf-life and reduce waste in a holistic manner.

FOODGUARD toolbox components will be extensively evaluated in real life settings through four pilot demonstrations in different countries with the involvement of all relevant actors. The four food cases are fresh fish (Greece), pork (Spain), lettuce (Belgium) and feta (Greece).
This project is coordinated by Smart Agro Hub Anonymi Etairia (SAH) in cooperation with 19 partners throughout Europe.
Starting date: 1st January 2024
Duration: 36 months
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