Save the date: Vision2Reuse Demo-event 23 October 2023
On Monday 23 October, Pack4Food, Flanders' FOOD and Imec would like to invite you to the demo event: Vision for smart reuse.

Save the date: Vision2Reuse Demo-event 23 october 2023
On Monday 23 October, Pack4Food, Flanders' FOOD and Imec would like to invite you to the demo event:Vision for smart reuse. During this afternoon, we will demonstrate on the basis of various use cases how to check reusable packaging for contaminations and defects using smart camera techniques. The event will take place at AMAB, a custom-built company where they clean reusable cups via a automated washing tunnel, and is taking place as part of the EFRO project VISION2REUSE.
In the EFRO project VISION2REUSE, Pack4Food, Flanders' FOOD and Imec join forces to investigate the use of smart camera techniques for rapid quality control of reusable packaging. The project, which started on 1 January 2022, will receive a grant of €324,422 from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRO).
To demonstrate the applicability of the innovative developments, five use cases will be demonstrated. Hyperspectral cameras are used to investigate how different materials can be distinguished from each other so that the washing process can be proactively adjusted based on the material. It also looks, for example, at the presence of water or organic residues in the packaging after the washing process to prevent mould growth. Using RGB cameras, deformations and scratches in cups will also be detected. In addition, attention will be paid to the presence of black or white spots, which may lead consumers to reject the packaging.
These cases will be demonstrated at the event at AMAB in Asse. AMAB is a social enterprise for customised work with 800 employees at 3 locations around Brussels (Asse, Halle and Zaventem) which, in addition to co-packing, electrical assembly and green service, also owns an automated washing tunnel where reusable cups are washed. For this reason, this location was selected as a relevant practical environment to demonstrate the technologies.
The exact programme will follow, but keep this afternoon free in your agenda or already register yourself via this link: Demo-event: Visie voor slim hergebruik Inschrijvingsformulier (
Deelnemende bedrijven VISION2REUSE-project: gratis; Andere bedrijven: 50 EUR excl. BTW
AMAB (Zone 5 Mollem 90 1730 Asse)
23 October 2023
ca 12:30 until 17:00