Promipol Kick-Off event
A new generation of biobased packaging produced from CO2.

Promipol Kick-Off event
Discover how PROMIPOL will change the production of future packaging materials and meet the multi-disciplinary team of international researchers to answer all your questions.
The PROMIPOL research project is powered by CAPTURE, a platform delivering disruptive contributions to the circular economy through accelerating radical technological innovations via collaboration between multidisciplinary stakeholders, with a clear focus on valorisation. Specifically, in the PROMIPOL project we want to assess producing biobased packaging materials from CO2.
Targeted audience: stakeholders throughout the value chain of packaging & material manufacturing, their customers and waste management partners
- 14h30: Doors open
- 15h-15h30: Tour of lab facilities at CAPTURE
- 15h30-17h30: Presentations and discussions
- 17h30-18h30: Networking and drinks
Participation is free but a subscription is needed, places are limited (max. 50 persons).
Please subscribe before 15th March.
Your chance to be informed, stay on top of future circular materials and potentially steer the project!
CAPTURE building - Frieda Saeysstraat 1, 9052 Gent
21 March 2024
ca 15:00