Sustainability and food packaging
This training focuses on trends and developments in the context of sustainable food packaging.
- Importance of packaging for food quality
- Balance food loss and packaging
- Concrete packaging optimizations (incl. OPTIBARRIER results)
- EU and national policy on packaging in a circular economy (incl. sorting and recycling)
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): what and how?
- LCA in the context of the European policy
- LCA in the packaging industry: opportunities and challenges
Teachers: dr. ir. Pieter Nachtergaele (STEN UGent), Prof. dr. ir. An Vermeulen and Prof. dr. ir. Peter Ragaert
Campus Coupure, Ghent
08 February 2024
ca 09:00 until 16:30
Participating costs €670 (excl. VAT) for members and €995 (excl. VAT) for others.
Registrations are open until February 5, 2024.