
Blessed with innovation – 20 years Pack4Food

Pack4Food warmly invites you to join us in celebrating our 20th anniversary.



Monasterium PoortAckere - Oude Houtlei 56, 9000 Gent, België


02 October 2025

ca 15:30 until 22:00


15:30 – Reception
Welcome and registration, firs moment to network 🥂

16:00 - 16:15 – Introduction
Brief introduction and insights by the P4F-team.

16:15 - 17:15 – "How packaging challenges in space can also be important to us 🚀"

...because aerospace holds a true wealth of knowledge and experience that can serve as inspiration for various business sectors.

Inspiring keynote by Nancy Vermeulen. Nancy Vermeulen is a former commercial pilot instructor, Master in theoretical physics and astronomy, was commander of a Mars simulation in Utah and participated in the 2008 ESA astronaut selections. In 2018, she founded the Space Training Academy, where she prepares private astronauts and suborbital scientists for their first space flight. Bringing the universe closer to people and vice versa, that is her personal mission.

17:15 - 17:45 – Break and networking

17:45 - 18:30 –Blessed with innovation – 20 years Pack4Food

Year review with the P4F-team

18:30 - 19:00 – Networking reception 
Enjoy a drink while networking.

19:00 - 22:00 – Walking dinner
Indulge in a refined culinary experience with our network 🍽.



  • Members: 1 person free, from 2nd person €80 p.p.
  • Non-members: €150 p.p.

Partners and knowledge institutions: €80 p.p.